New Disease Reports (2013) 27, 2. []
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Editorial - January 2013: New to NDR 'Follow-up Reports'

As an innovation for New Disease Reports (NDR), the start of 2013 sees a new type of disease report being introduced - Follow-up Reports. This is to provide a medium for reporting developments in a plant disease subsequent to ‘first reporting’ in NDR. The journal therefore invites Follow-up Reports subject to the following conditions:

1. There must be a previous report in NDR on the same disease and pathogen in the same country or region (but not necessarily by the same authors). Previous reports should be cited as reference(s).

2. The report should be based on data from deliberate or systematic surveys and not casual or chance observations.

3. The report must include a description of the spread of the disease (or possibly eradication – please see below) and must include its economic and/or phytosanitary impact (e.g. spread to different hosts).

4. Reports are formatted according to existing guidelines and template (

Prospective authors are welcome to address enquiries about the scope and suitability of proposed reports of this kind to the Senior Editor ( This is particularly important where eradication of a pathogen is being claimed.


To cite this report: Black R, 2013. Editorial - January 2013: New to NDR 'Follow-up Reports'. New Disease Reports 27, 2. []

©2013 The Authors